The water treatment method of 4 tons fuel boiler is discussed" />


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The water treatment method of 4 tons fuel boiler is discussed
The steam boiler water treatment method is also known as the inside and outside of the furnace. For more than 2 t/h steam boiler and soda dual-use boiler, should make use of chemical water treatment outside the furnace, and also can only use steam boiler furnace dosing process, but need through other means to ensure the quality of the water quality.
The water treatment of the furnace mainly refers to the softening and treatment of the water in order to remove the hardness of the boiler before it enters the steam boiler. The current method is mainly ion exchange water treatment.
Ion exchange softening method is to use a certain scale forming ions in the ion exchanger, will be easy to generate the scale of calcium and magnesium ion in water, making water softening. The application ion exchange softening method can meet the standard of hardness of water for steam boiler.
Ion-exchange agents are classified as inorganic and organic. The particle core structure of inorganic ion exchange agent is dense, it can only be exchanged for surface, and the softening effect is poor, so it is seldom used at present. The particle core structure of the organic ion-exchange agent is loose, and the exchange reaction is not only on the surface of the particle, but also on the inside of the particle.


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