
Common problem
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Phenomenon: when the boiler water shortage, water table level is lower than the limit water level and not visible, water alarm low water level alarm, ring lights, low water level interlock fan and induced draft fan out of business; Boiler exhaust temperature, when the severe water shortage, top JiaoHu flavor, can be seen from the oven door red-hot water wall tube, furnace tube deformation even tube, can be heard up to, steam and flue gas from the oven door fire door.
Treatment: when it is severe water shortage, the boiler should be stopped. Immediately stop the supply of fuel, weakened stop blowing wind, will pick out the front of the fire grate coal, will be grate switch is biggest, that burn quickly fell into slag, doused with water, after the fire goes out, to stop the wind, open the grey door, door to promote accelerated cooling.
Phenomenon: a sharp rise in the steam pressure, more than work pressure, pressure gauge pointer over "red line", relief valve, the pressure is still on the rise, a overpressure alarm signals, reduce the steam temperature and steam flow.
Processing: fast burning, manually open the relief valve or vent valve, better water supply, increase the drainage (at this point we must keep the normal boiler water level), lower the temperature in the pot of water to reduce the boiler steam drum pressure.
Phenomenon: a sharp rise in the steam pressure, more than work pressure, pressure gauge pointer over "red line", relief valve, the pressure is still on the rise, a overpressure alarm signals, reduce the steam temperature and steam flow.
Processing: fast burning, manually open the relief valve or vent valve, better water supply, increase the drainage (at this point we must keep the normal boiler water level), lower the temperature in the pot of water to reduce the boiler steam drum pressure.


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